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Caritas Bangladesh
Project Officer - SGBV Response and GBVIMS
Application Deadline: Mar 09, 2025
Published: Jan 23, 2025 Vacancy: 1 Gender: No Preference
Age: Maximum 40 years Career Level: Entry Level Experience: 2 Year
Salary: Not Specified Location: Cox's Bazar


  • Masters, Master’s degree in Social Science or any discipline from any recognized university


  • 2 Year

Additional Requirements

  • Minimum 2 years experience in similar position.
  • Proven experience in facilitating training/group counseling session.
  • Strong team building and team management skills.
  • Ability to engage with local and refugee communities.
  • An influential communicator, with written and verbal skills in Bangla and Local Language (Preferred) For camp level stakeholder communication purposes. Committed to work following organizational objectives, values, principles and policies.
  • Have good knowledge on safeguarding related policies, GBV, Child protection policy and other relevant policy.

Responsibilities & Context

  • Work closely with the Project Coordinator and Protection Manager as person for GBV Services.
  • Technical Supervision of the case worker on protection, and GVB case management service.
  • Works closely with CBFO and PSS Officer to provide safe, confidential, and integrated GBV case management and psychosocial support to vulnerable community members.
  • Responsible for GBVIMS reporting system in coordination with other case management support team of Caritas Bangladesh.
  • Contribute to developing SoPs for the team in identification of cases and case management.
  • Monitor participants/beneficiaries' progress during sessions and refer individuals showing signs of
  • psychological/emotional distress to CBFOs and/or appropriate service providers.
  • Ensure supervision, coordination, and coaching for GVB caseworkers to ensure survivor centered techniques are being incorporated into the case management process.
  • Ensure that best practices are used and that case files are filled out correctly and conduct pre/post-test client wellness/functioning to measure effectiveness.
  • Provide supervision sessions with the Community Based Field Officers and Barefoot counsellors to promote positive gender attitudes and encourage the questioning and shifting of harmful gender biases.
  • Provide case management as necessary or for complex GBV cases if no other referral is available.
  • Develop training plan for Community Volunteers on GBV, PFA, Protection, Case management etc, and facilitate training sessions as needed, with support of the Project Coordinator and other resource agencies
  • Develop community facilitation guide for GVB prevention session and train the CBFOs to facilitate the session among men and women.
  • Help in conducting regular safety audits in the community and assisting the community in their efforts to prevent GBV.
  • Report to the Project Coordinator on protection trends, strategy for the program in need of support.
  • Contributing to the preparation of internal and external reports for the NGO and donors, including expenditure plans and situation reports.
  • Prepare all materials and equipment for structured GVB sessions in advance; maintain daily attendance registers and monthly inventory sheets for each activity/session conducted.
  • Prepare timely reports, maintain database and other relevant documentation as required by Project Coordinator,
  • Protection Specialist and MEAL unit.
  • Ensure technical support in conducting assessments and base-/end line surveys as needed, assuring for compliance with safety and ethical standards
  • Maintain contact, liaison, network, and coordination with the actors of the Public and Private sectors for exchange ideas/ views, good practices, and learnings
  • Provide support to caseworker to deal with the critical case and coordinate with other service providers to ensure the best interest service that seeks by survivors.
  • Participate in meetings and trainings conducted by Caritas Bangladesh and other relevant sectors.
  • Lead and facilitate day-to-day structured and unstructured SGBV activities (with considerations to
  • age, gender, disability, and diversity) for beneficiaries in the Rohingya camp.
  • Work under the supervision of the Protection TA- CRS, Project coordinator, Protection Specialist in the roll-out of structured GB sessions, and awareness sessions across community center.
  • Support the CBFOs to facilitate sessions with volunteers that is focused on building awareness of different themes related to their wellbeing, safety planning, and delivering key messages on GBV at community centers.
  • Uphold the strictest confidentiality and protection of data pertaining to beneficiaries and Caritas Bangladesh staff and volunteers and reinforce this confidentiality in the field.
  • Understand Protection from Sexual Abuse and Exploitation and Safeguarding policies.
  • Work closely with field team in updating and disseminating multi-sectoral referral pathways to community members and volunteers
  • Take a good care of the equipment/assets provided by the organization for performing the job responsibilities.
  • Must have readiness to work in an emergency program as deemed necessary by the Organization.
  • Must have the respect for poor and vulnerable people and community, do no harm, and respect
  • their dignity and not in serving the vested interest groups as a Caritas Bangladesh staff while sharing any content or post on social media and the internet. Must always uphold standards of behavior described in the Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding Policy of Caritas

Employment Status

Type: Contract

Job Location

Cox's Bazar

Read Before Apply

Consolidated Salary : BDT 65,000

Company Information
Company Name: Caritas Bangladesh

Address: 2, Outer circular road, Shantibagh, Dhaka-1217,Bangladesh.

Business Type:



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