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ActionAid Bangladesh
Associate Officer - Information Service Center (ISC)
Application Deadline: Mar 07, 2025
Published: Jan 21, 2025 Vacancy: 3 Gender: No Preference
Age: Not Specified Career Level: Entry Level Experience: 1 Year to 2 Year
Salary: Tk. 55634 (Monthly) Location: Cox's Bazar


  • Bachelor/Honors, University degree in Social Science, Disaster Management or relevant disciplines (flexible in terms of person having working experience in Rohingya Response)


  • 1 Year to 2 Year

Additional Requirements

  • At least 1-2 year of experience in humanitarian and/or development organizations with significant experience in camp management and/or delivering emergency programs in camp setting.
  • Experience in working with marginalized/vulnerable groups
  • Proficiency in the local language will be an advantage.
  • Understanding the concepts of humanitarian codes and standards such as SPHERE, IASC Gender Guidelines, HAP etc.
  • Experience working in emergency responses targeting vulnerable people
  • Able to take decisions in a timely manner, prioritize and multi-task seamlessly.
  • Orientation to gender sensitivity. • Ability to work under extreme pressure and meet deadlines.
  • Team player with strong experience in multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environments.
  • Proficient with MS office suite, KOBO collect, SPSS.

Responsibilities & Context

  • Support to Officer - COMs/CG/CC&ISC to supervise and guide the volunteers in their duties and activities, monitor and evaluate the volunteers’ individual performance.
  • Participate regularly in the volunteers’ activities (such as home visits, disseminate information service, non-center-based activities, case referrals, and awareness-raising) and religious leader (Imam and women religious teacher) to deepen his/her understanding of the work of volunteers, impacts, challenges, areas for improvement.
  • Facilitate Center and Non-Conter based activities.
  • Participate in focus group discussions to collect baseline data, build rapport with the community, and obtain information to implement/improve the volunteers’ activities and religious leader (Imam and women religious teacher).
  • Support to Officer - COMs/CG/CC&ISC to organize and/or participate in focus group discussions to collect baseline data, build rapport with the community and obtain information to implement/improve the volunteers activities.
  • Together with the Officer - COMs/CG/CC&ISC, design, coordinate, organize daily and weekly schedules of the volunteers based on the context of the camp and mobilize the volunteers’ team for community engagement and related activities.
  • Support volunteers in community led initiatives/projects and community level awareness session/training, community led discussion.
  • Support to Officer - COMs/CG/CC&ISC to address complaints, conflict in the workplace, misconducts, and violations of the rules and regulations or code of conduct by the volunteers in a timely, responsible, and professional manner and in accordance with the operational standards.
  • Facilitate arranging meetings with visitors, representatives from government, local and international organizations.
  • Assist in accurate documentation and keep timely records of cases, actions taken, out come and case status according to the agreed format and presentation style.
  • Work under the guidance of Officer- - COMs/CG/CC&ISC to implement the plan for material and logistical needs of the program.
  • Provide frontline support to volunteers in relation to the distribution of material (for instance, forms, vests, stationery), administrative (i.e. issuance of ID card, attendance record keep and filing, payment of support cost, approval of sick/business leave) as per guidance of UNHCR.
  • Provide support to logistical needs (arrange training venue, lunches, breaks, and other amenities) to enable volunteers to perform their work efficiently.
  • Provide regular feedback to Officer- - COMs/CG/CC&ISC on the status of the volunteers and relevant changes in the volunteers’ composition in the camp.
  • Assist team to ensure target for AGD – age, gender, diversity representation in volunteers’ team.
  • Select Imam/Religious leader, and Female Religious Teacher – FRT through consultation process. Assist in maintaining databases of them (date of selection, profiles, session, training attendance) in the respective location of responsibility.
  • Assist in maintaining a database of volunteers (date of recruitment, profiles, training attendance) in the respective location of responsibility.
  • Support formation of CG – male, female, boys’ and girls’ group. Mobilize community and increase volunteers’ members in group, promote women leadership and community engagement. Profile their information.
  • Support in maintaining communication with the volunteers on a regular basis to understand the problems, challenges they face in their work, and together with the team, identify and implement creative solutions.
  • To provide daily updates and review past week’s work/activities.
  • Assist in identifying good practices, promote and recognize outstanding work performance or contribution from volunteers’ team members and religious leader (Imam and women religious teacher).
  • Report preparation and submission: Prepare weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual report as per office instruction and guidance.

Compensation & Other Benefits
  • Mobile bill
  • Medical allowance
  • Insurance

Employment Status

Type: Contract

Job Location

Cox's Bazar

Read Before Apply

Duration of Contract : Up to 31 December 2025 (if not extended)

Company Information
Company Name: ActionAid Bangladesh

Address: House SE(C) 5/B (Old, 8 Rd 136, Dhaka 1212

Business Type:



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