ActionAid is a global movement of people, working together to ensure equal human rights for all and end poverty. We believe everyone comes with an innate power to bring change for themselves, their families and communities. We act as a catalyst for amplifying that change.
এলআরপি-৫৬ প্রকল্প এর মাঠ পর্যায়ের সার্বিক কার্যক্রম বাস্তবায়নে সহায়তা করা, রিফ্লেকশন একশন সার্কেল গঠন ও পরিচালনা করা, এইচআরবিএ বিশ্লেষণ এর মাধ...
Involve in selection process of volunteer as per instruction of management and provide training and orientation to volunteers (CC, ISC, COMs, CG), I...
Support to implement ActionAid Bangladesh MEAL Framework, strategies and tools in RRP as well as aligning with CHS, HRBA, Theory of Change, Accounta...
Support to Officer - COMs/CG/CC&ISC to supervise and guide the volunteers in their duties and activities, monitor and evaluate the volunteers&rs...
Support to Officer - COMs/CG/CC&ISC to supervise and guide the volunteers in their duties and activities, monitor and evaluate the volunteers&rs...