HEED Bangladesh
HEED Bangladesh
Member Since, Oct 10, 2024
Plot - 19, Main Road, Block - A, Section - 11, Mirpur, Dhaka - 1216.

About Company

HEED Bangladesh is one of the largest development organizations in terms of number of employees and impacts on the lives of the marginalized people that has been creating since its establishment in 26 October, 1974, as a Christian faith-based, not-for-profit, non-political and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), committed to participate in and promote national development through upgrading the socio-economic condition of the disadvantaged and underprivileged people in the society. As an NGO established by the Christian leaders and several western partner organizations in response to the post-war needs in Bangladesh, HEED Bangladesh sustained its relevance by redesigning its strategies in accordance with its philosophy of Poverty Alleviation and Empowerment of the Poor. Presently

Job Openings

  • Project Director

    - Sylhet, Sunamgonj

    Strengthen the government health system for integrated TB control and prevention services Promote government ownership and stewardship for implemen...

  • Teacher (Physics)

    - Dhaka, Mirpur

    HEED International School (HIS), a program of HEED Bangladesh, has been running since 2003 at Mirpur&Sadarghat under the curriculum of Pearson Ede...

  • ড্রাইভার

    - Dhaka, Mirpur

    দক্ষতার সহিত নিরাপদে গাড়ি চালনা করা। সব সময় পরিবহন পরিষ্কার -পরিছন্ন এবং রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ করা ব্যবস্থাপনা কর্তৃপক্ষের প্রয়োজনে যে কোন সময় দায়িত্ব পালন...

  • Project beneficiary selection and preparation of beneficiary socio-economic profile. Identify and engage key community members to establish Climate...

Company Detail

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  • Total Employees
  • Established In
  • Current jobs

Company location not added.